Best time to learn how to day trade in Calgary, Canada October 23-25.

A lot of investors have ended up being a victim of the markets. If you have ever been interested in controlling your own finances and not leaving your investments in others hands, the Money Maker Edge™ day trading system is having a three day live training seminar in Calgary, Canada October 23-25, 2010.

Learn how to day trade in a small group of 8 traders in the S&P 500 emini futures.

We will be covering:

• Business strategy

• Trade rules

• Recording and quantifying results and keeping a trade journal

• Precise Entry points

• Price and Direction

• Trade Strategy

• How to set daily targets.

• When to trade and when not to trade

• Trading plan

• How to let the trades come to you.

• Trading with targets and how to manage risk.

• How to get your income, wealth and freedom trading.

• How to spot the highest probability trade

• Mastering your strategy

• How to be responsible for your trading and level of choice in the market.

• Specific times to trade and not to trade.

• Responsible trading practices

• The real working s of the market place and how to use these to your advantage.

• The difference between direction and hope.

• How to enter the trade and minimize risk.

If you have to rely on your memory to guide you in trading you might as well not trade at all. We are including a trade journal, the trade manual with the Money Maker Edge methodology, and membership to our trade room where you trade live with other profitable traders that practice our methodology.

The Money Maker Edge live room’s participants normally trade for an hour to an hour and a half during the market. This room is open to anyone that has had the methodology and most participants reach their daily goal in under an hour. This help re enforce the trading methodology and makes it easier for the beginning trader to see the trades and make better choices.

Information about the Calgary, Canada. Day trading course call 866-640-3737

You can see more on S&P 500 day trading course for S&P 500 emini futures in Calgary, Canada October 23-25 at our website. Online support and live trainings with a live trading room giving day traders a system easily implement. Learning day trading with a group of profitable traders changes everything. S&P 500 Emini futures day trading course focuses on trade mastery and where you take the course and you are able to trade.

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